Friday, February 15, 2019


Hey Guys, (Cue in the Harley Quinn Voice)

     I know, I know it's been a very long time since I've last updated!  I did mention that I wasn't good at this, right?  If not then...I think it's safe to say that you already know! 😊  Anyway, I've finally decided that this is my year!  I am finally gonna get it together!  The truth is, I am not getting any younger and I really want my life to finally begin you know.  I'm in my twenties and I haven't really explored anything.  So I'm done feeling sorry for myself and I'm gonna try! Even if it all goes to shit, I'm still gonna power through!  Truthfully, I stopped trying a few years ago because I was disappointed with myself... Lately, I've finally decided that I was being an idiot and that I have to get it together because the world doesn't stop for no one! (What a scary thought!)  So here's to powering through you guys!  Here's to finally fucking powering through!!! 🥂

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