Thursday, June 8, 2017


     Hey guys, how's it going??😋  I know, I know, it has been quite a while.  To be fair, life has definitely thrown me some curve balls lately, and today I decided to talk about getting stuck in life.

      By getting stuck I mean, where you are in school, work, or simply whatever kind of stuck you are in.  So long story short, I've been feeling a little stuck.  I imagined by the age of 24 I'd have my bachelors, have a pretty decent job, perhaps be living with a roommate, and maybe even have a pretty awesome boyfriend. (Wink! Wink! A girl can hope!😊)  As of right now none of those things have come true yet, and it never really dawned on me before, until I logged on to Facebook.  Oh yes, the dreadful times of Facebook... You know the place?  Where your use to be high school friends are living it up while you still haven't figured it out yet.  Yeah, that is the place I am referring to.  I use to feel very negative and insecure about myself when I'd log on.  It wasn't that I was jealous or wasn't happy for them it was just that I didn't have any exciting news to share about me.  I felt like I had nothing to show for my life so far.  (Well I did get my associates... TBH 😏)  So now what you may ask... Honestly, I have no fucking idea, but I will get there.  It has taken me sometime to realize that it takes longer for some people to be in the place they want to be.  Everyone has their own pace, their own journey, and pretty much their own everything!  The truth is I realized that I had to stop comparing myself to others because my journey is the only thing that should matter to me. (No offence! 😏)

     In short, I just need to take a breather and figure out what my next step is.  Hopefully I pick the one that takes me to where I want to be.  I hope you guys know that life is not easy and it gets difficult, but with the right mindset I am pretty sure we will make it! (However long it takes!! 😅)

So until next time...

P.S. When did emojis appear on this place!! I love it!! 😁🦄

Sunday, January 1, 2017

New year...

     Now is a start to a whole new year... As you may know my life is currently set on pause for a while.  However some good memories were hatched out of 2016 and for that I am extremely grateful.  So what now you may ask, what will I do this year that is different from last... I honestly don't know.   However, I sure hope that this year is better than last.  That's all we can really hope for, right?  So with that in  mind, I shall leave you guys with this quote (by a stranger out in the universe) I found a couple years ago on a M83 music video.  It honestly spoke volumes... perhaps it will give you guys some clarity on a start to a new year.

"So I'm here, on this earth, in a universe filled with at least 100 billion galaxies.  With those galaxies are an unknowable number of stars.  Orbiting those stars are even more planets.  We find ourselves alive.  Carbon based life forms with the ability to create.  Conscious beings living out the bittersweet thing we call life. Seventeen years old, commenting on a music video that touched my heart.  Music. Art. Philosophy. Science. Everything we've created.  We ask why. So many questions.  The truth is the answers aren't important.  The answers are likely to leave us disappointed.  Unfulfilled. The beauty of it all is that we are able to ask why.  Now go, love somebody, cherish the time you have left. Life is precious.  YOU'RE PRECIOUS!  It's almost impossible to completely grasp this. Find comfort in not knowing. It's the only way. And if you think know, think again. All of this, I'm communicating with you is because of language. Something we created. It's magnificent. Ignore the grammatical errors. They don't matter. What matters is the fact that there is such a thing as grammatical errors. Long story short, there is no answer to the question, "Why is there something rather than nothing?" Please, I'm begging you. Push through the hard times. Cherish the fact that the hard times exist. Appreciate your existence. There will be a time when no one is left to appreciate all of man kinds accomplishments. So don't waste another minute.  Much love. -Something"

Until next time...