Tuesday, December 27, 2016

What now??

     So I think it is safe to say that I have been way behind in keeping up with this blog.  All I can say is that school kept me extremely busy, but now,  I have all the time in the world to catch up.  (Hopefully fingers crossed!)

     Let me see where to start... oh yeah my college life is set on pause for awhile which in reality sucks for me but what can you do... So I guess the actual time I have on hand  is for me to focus on other parts of life.  (Which sounds kinda scary but should also be kind of exciting all at the same time.)  By that I mean get a job, get a car, and just get life a little bit more on track than it is.  I've always been the kinda person who thinks things will eventually fall together but lately life has been a little out of whack lately.  So who knows maybe the upcoming year will be a little better than the end of this one. ;)

   Well I didn't really want to bore you out there with my weird depressive ramblings, but sometimes I think we need a way to get it all out there ya know.  So hopefully I will be more active on this blog and write about more interesting things soon.

So until next time...

Friday, January 1, 2016

New Year...

One thing's for sure... this year I will be writing more! I hope you all had an amazing time, and I hope this years is kick ass for all of you! Thanks for sticking around! 

-♥ liz